
JAMA. 2019; 321: 493-503 PMID:30721300

挿管困難歴:positive LR range, 16-19; negative LR range, 0.72-0.82

いびき:positive LR, 3.4; negative LR, 0.65

マスク換気困難:positive LR, 3.5; negative LR, 0.67

肥満(BMI>27-35):positive LR, 2.2; negative LR, 0.70

女性:positive LR, 1.2; negative LR, 0.87

Upper Lip Bite Test class3:positive LR, 14

Upper Lip Bite Test class2-3:positive LR, 12; negative LR, 0.42

顎後退症::positive LR, 6.0; negative LR, 0.85

Impaired mandibular protrusion:positive LR, 5.5; negative LR, 0.78

身長/thyromental distance比17-25以上:positive LR, 5.5; negative LR, 0.78

thyromental distance 4-7cm未満:positive LR, 3.3; negative LR, 0.63

hyomental distance 3-5.5cm未満:positive LR, 6.4; negative LR, 0.84

impaired neck mobility:positive LR, 4.2; negative LR, 0.77

sternomental distance 12-15cm未満:positive LR, 4.1; negative LR, 0.65

inter-incisor gap 2-5cm未満:positive LR, 3.6; negative LR, 0.71

Modified Mallampati Score3-4:positive LR, 4.1; negative LR, 0.52

positive palm print test:positive LR, 3.0; negative LR, 0.28

positive prayer sign:positive LR, 4.9; negative LR, 0.75

Wilson score 2-3以上:positive LR, 9.1; negative LR, 0.60


Immediate oral feeding in patients with mild acute pancreatitis is safe and may accelerate recovery–a randomized clinical study

Clin Nutr. 2007; 26: 758-63 PMID:17719703




O:入院期間 腹痛や消化器症状




A Full Solid Diet as the Initial Meal in Mild Acute Pancreatitis is Safe and Result in a Shorter Length of Hospitalization

J Clin Gastroenterol. 2010; 44: 517-22 PMID:20054282

開始する食事として、clear liquid、soft、full solidの3群に分け、比べたRCT。腹痛の再燃には差がなく、full solid群で入院期間が短縮した。


Clinical trial: oral feeding with a soft diet compared with clear liquid diet as initial meal in mild acute pancreatitis

Aliment Pharmacol There. 2008; 28: 777-81 PMID:19145732

開始する食事として、clear liquidとsoft dietを比べたRCT。soft diet群で入院期間の短縮を認めた。


A Prospective, Randomized Trial of Clear Liquids Versus Low-Fat Solid Diet as the Initial Meal in Mild Acute Pancreatitis

Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007; 5: 946-51 PMID:17613280

開始する食事として、clear liquidとlow-fat solid dietを比べたRCT。low-fat solid diet群で入院期間の短縮を認めた。

UGIBの内視鏡の施行時間 6hr以内 vs 24hr以内

N Eng J Med. 2020; 382: 1361-1363

P:明らかなUGIBの徴候があり、Glasgow-Blatchford score 12点以上 ショック状態は除く

I:urgent-endoscopy group 6時間以内に内視鏡

C:early-endoscopy group 24時間以内に内視鏡


urgent-endoscopy groupには4.3%のLC varixは9.7%

early-endoscopy groupには3.9%のLC varixは7.4%


GNBの抗菌薬投与期間 7日間 vs 14日間

Clin Infect Dis 2019; 69: 1091-1098

randomized, multi center, open-label, non-inferiority trial




